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Parkrun Reviews
Help other Runners with useful info, reviews and construction feedback on a parkrun you take part in! Rate it out of 10!
55k Race Reviews
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010k Race Reviews
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1Half Marathon Race Reviews
How was it for you? Drop some constructive feedback on your Race or Event! Score it out of 10!
3Marathon Race Reviews
How was it for you? Drop some constructive feedback on your Race or Event! Score it out of 10!
3Ultra Race Reviews
How was it for you? Drop some constructive feedback on your Race or Event! Score it out of 10!
1Triathlon Reviews
How was it for you? Drop some constructive feedback on your Race or Event! Score it out of 10!
0Race Reviews General Section
20 milers, 5 milers, Relay's ... any other Running Race/Event you want to review add it here and Score it out of 10!